Prime minister Narendra Modi Wednesday said that the government will move forward in Jammu and Kashmir with the sentiment of embracing all and not by ‘goli and gaali’ (bullet and abuse).
He also announced early elections to village panchayats and local bodies in the coming months.
Speaking from the ramparts of the Red Fort, he said that they are following the path of ‘Insaaniyat, Kashmiriyat and Jamhuriyat’ as shown by former prime minister Atal Bihar Vajpayee.
“In Jammu and Kashmir, Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji has shown us the path and that path is right. We want to move forward on that same path. Vajpayee ji had said we have to move forward to ensure Kashmir’s development on three basic issues of ‘Insaaniyat, Kashmiriyat and Jamhuriyat’.
“We want to move forward by embracing the people of Kashmir, who are living with great nationalist feeling, and not on the path of ‘goli and gaali’ (bullet and abuse),” he said.