Srinagar: In view of the relentless beating of war drums by the TV studios based in Delhi and the rumors about the revocation of article 370, the health and food departments have issued circualars/ advisories for stocking supplies.
“In view of the prevailing situation, it is impressed upon all Chief Medical officers to collect the available supplies of drugs, medicines, surgical disposals and other allied items under rules for the districts, including district hospitals from JKMSCL regional drug ware, GMC Bemina Srinagar,” reads the advisory issued by the directorate of health department.
The department further said that that the drug warehouse will remain open on Sunday as well.
Similarly, the Department of food, Srinagar too has issued an advisory for the complete sale of food grains to the public in view of the volatile situation.
“In view of directions conveyed by the Directorate of FC and CA Kashmir, all the TSO’s of Srinagar, South are hereby directed to ensure the complete sale of food grains upto 22/02/2019 be submitted to the office of undersigned by or before 1:30 pm today by any means of communication, it shall be the personal responsibility of concerned TSO to inform all the storekeepers/ incharge storekeepers/FP Shop dealers to remain available at their respective sale centres. Furthermore all the state centers/FP shops of South shall remain open tomorrow on 24/02/2019 for sale of food grains in the interest of general public,” read the advisory of Food department.
After these advisories surfaced on social media, wide spread panic was witnessed in Kashmir. The rumours got strengthened with the continuous relaying of non-stop broadcasts from Delhi based TV studios that India was ready to take revenge from Pakistan after the Pulwama attack.
Large queues of people were witnessed outside petrol stations and shortage of fuel was felt as panicked consumers rushed to the gas stations.
Besides, the rushing of 100 companies of armed forces to Kashmir further fuelled speculations that either war was in the offing, or the federal government was ready to revoke the article 35 A.
There was no official comment till evening as to why government was issuing circulars/orders to stock the supplies.