New Delhi: New guidelines for Unlock 2.0 issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Monday evening, stressed on the strict enforcement of lockdown norms in all containment Zones across the country.
‘The Lockdown shall continue to be implemented strictly in Containment Zones till July 31, 2020.
Containment Zones are required to be carefully demarcated by the State, UT Governments, with a view to contain the spread of COVID-19, after taking into consideration the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW).
‘Within the containment zones, strict perimeter control shall be maintained and only essential activities allowed,’ the new guidelines said.
These Containment Zones will be notified on the websites of the respective District Collectors and by the States, UTs and information will also be shared with the MOHFW, whereas activities in the Containment Zones shall be monitored strictly by the State, UT authorities, and the guidelines relating to containment measure in these zones shall be strictly implemented,’ it added.
The MOHFW will monitor the proper delineation of Containment Zones and implementation of the containment measures.
The new guidelines also said that the States and UTs will decide on the activities outside Containment Zones, based on their assessment of the situation, may prohibit certain activities even outside the Containment zones, or impose such restrictions as deemed necessary.
However, there shall be no restriction on inter-State and intra-State movement of persons and goods. No separate permission or approval or e-permit will be required for such movements, it added.