SRINAGAR: In the run-up to the occasion of Eid next week, a special team constituted by Deputy Commissioner Srinagar Saturday undertook a market-checking drive at various areas in the district to verify the price and quality of eatables sold in markets here.
The special team, which was headed by Assistant Commissioner Srinagar inspected different kinds of stores on the occasion and verified the approved prices and quality of eatables offered there.
The team fined several defaulters for resorting to excessive pricing on the occasion, realising a total of Rs 26,500 as fine, including Rs 17,500, Rs 7000 and Rs 2000 from South, Chanpora and Pantha Chowk tehsils of the district.
Those fined on the occasion include major bakery shops located in the City Centre who were found falling short in terms of either mandatory displaying of rate-lists or adherence to kitchen hygiene norms.
Four dealers in sacrificial animals were also arrested for excessive pricing during an inspection of its market at Eidgah Park. Strict instructions were issued to all kinds of meat sellers and sellers dealing with sacrificial animals being directed to ensure strict adherence to approved rates.
Pertinently, approved rates for Qurbani livestock include 210 rupees per kilogram for Delhi Walla and Merino Cross sheep, 200 per rupees kilogram for Bakarwal and Kashmiri Local sheep, and 190 rupees per kilogram for goat.