Srinagar: Members from various trade and industry bodies on Sunday staged a sit-in protest at historic Lal Chowk in this summer capital, against the alleged attempts being made to abrogate Article 35-A.
The protest comes in the backdrop of the Supreme Court (SC) hearing two petitions on August 6, challenging the validity of Article 35-A, which empowers the Jammu and Kashmir state’s legislature to define “permanent residents” of the state. The Article provides special rights and privileges to those permanent residents.
Representatives from various trade and industry bodies and civil society hit the streets at Lal Chowk, the nerve centre of the summer capital, urging the apex court to dismiss the writ petition, challenging the validity of Article 35-A.
Holding placards, which read, ‘Let us unite to safeguard the constitutional status of J&K’, ‘Stand together save Article 35-A’ and ‘Dismiss The Petition Challenging Article 35-A’, the protesters held a sit-in protest in Lal Chowk.
The protesters said that any attempts to abrogate Article 35-A will lead to widespread protests in the valley. “The case was adding fuel to Kashmir unrest and fiddling with the constitutional provision would be catastrophic,” they said.
As many as 27 Kashmir-based trade and industry bodies, including the Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KCCI), on Monday presented a united front to protest against any attempts made to abrogate the Article. They have also backed a two-day strike call, given by the separatists on Sunday and Monday against the alleged abrogation attempts.