Minister for Power Development Department, Sunil Sharma Friday said that the work on 341 power projects sanctioned under Prime minister’s development package MDP-2015 for an amount of 6845.71 crore will be completed within the given time frame
In a statement issued here it stated that in a meeting with Union Minister of State, Power R K Singh, Sharma discussed the vital power development projects undertaken by Union Government in the State.
Projects including PAKALDAL project of 1000 mw were discussed during the meeting, along with the projects for strengthening of distribution in urban and rural areas, projects regarding intrastate transmission system, smart metering projects for two lakh consumers, Smart Grid projects and a project for 220 KV transmission line from Srinagar to Leh, were discussed during the meeting.
Later, Commissioner Secretary J&K gave a detailed status of flagship schemes in T&D sector. As per details provided, total 341 projects have been undertaken under different schemes like DDUGJY/RGGVY-II, IPDS and PMDP.
It was revealed that out of these, 318 tenders have already been floated. Further 194 tenders have already been allotted and in 96, the work has already been completed.
He further informed that under PMDP-2015 scheme, 305 projects have been undertaken. Out of these 282 tenders have already been floated, 176 have been allotted and work has been completed in 96 projects