Srinagar, Nov 12: Most of the people who had committed suicide during the fiscal 2019-20 in Jammu and Kashmir have adopted hanging as a tool to end their lives.
According to the official figures of National Crime Records Bureau for Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), out of the total percentage of suicides committed across India, Jammu and Kashmir has a 2.2 percent with most of the victims using hanging and poison tool to end their lives.
While stating the percentage of means or mode adopted by the victims to commit suicide during 2019-2020 across India, the figures reveal that around 4.10 percent victims across Jammu and Kashmir in 2019 were found hanging followed by 3.80 percent in 2020.
Likewise, in 2019, around 8.52 percent of the suicide victims in Jammu and Kashmir end their lives by consuming the poisonous substances followed by 8.8 percent in 2020.
Similarly, around 42.30 percent victims killed themselves in 2019 by using a method of drowning followed by 42.30 percent in 2020
According to the data, the rest of the suicide victims have been consuming sleeping pills, putting themselves under fire or self immolation, firearms, self inflicting injury, coming under running vehicles or trains, touching electric wires and other means respectively.
According to the report, Srinagar district had recorded at least 200 percent increase in the number of suicide cases. kno