Srinagar, August 04: Jammu Kashmir Peoples Conference (PC) on Monday asserted that decisions taken on and after August 5 are not acceptable to people.
These decisions have been thrust on the people of Kashmir and are bereft of any acceptance or legitimacy amongst the masses, the party said after convening an online meeting of its executive committee.
“We believe, for us, August 5, 2019 is a negative milestone. This will be remembered as a sad day, a day of disempowerment a day of attack on our identity. It was a spiteful move and the most unfortunate aspect of it was that an unsuspecting population across the country fed on a diet of hatred and intoxicated on jingoism actually endorsed this spiteful move against the people of Kashmir. We want to tell the people not to despair. Nothing is permanent in politics. Grandeur of power, delusions of invincibility eventually fade into oblivion. There is enough empirical evidence across the world that such changes thrust against the wishes of people have a limited shelf life. It will be better for the government of the day to accept realities and see the clearly visible canary in the coal mines. Otherwise, a time will come when future generations perhaps will agree with us and hold the current dispensation in odium and contempt for institutional demolition in Kashmir”, the executive committee unanimously stated according to a statement from PC spokesperson Adnan Ashraf Mir.
Adnan said that the Peoples Conference leadership termed August 5 actions as a travesty of justice that strike at the very root of the state’s constitutional relationship with the Union and a blow to collective psyche of the Kashmiris, robbing them of their sense of identity and dignity.
“The unconstitutional and undemocratic decisions taken by the Parliament on and after August 5, 2019 served as a death warrant for democracy and completely eroded space for mainstream politics in Kashmir. The harsh treatment meted out to the people who have advocated and championed for democracy has left them red faced and humiliated. They are now being rendered to helpless mute bystanders while non locals decide on the fate and destiny of the inhabitants of J&K. This whole exercise is meant to alter unrecognizably the destiny of the people of Kashmir. And now it seems certain that Delhi is keen to push the Kashmiris to the wall. The damage being inflicted is irreversible”, he added