JAMMU, MAY 20: The Jammu and Kashmir government, as part of its measures being initiated in the wake of COVID Lockdown, has issued detailed guidelines regarding elimination of intermediary brokers, buyers, distributors, decongestion of major fruit and vegetable Mandies across Jammu & Kashmir besides timely marketing of Agricultural and Horticultural produce.
It may be recalled that Agriculture Production Department in view of COVID-19 situation had allowed Deputy Commissioners in their respective jurisdictions to notify the places where farmers can bring their produce for marketing without any intermediary interference.
The guidelines said that collection or aggregation centre in the proximity of production areas may be set up by a person after getting it registered by the concerned Market Administrative Committees. The person will have to comply with a set of guidelines, particularly refraining from any kind of hoarding, under Essential Commodities Act.
The guidelines further clarified that direct wholesale purchase can also be carried out outside the Principal market Yard, Sub-Market Yard, Market Sub-Yard and Private market Yard. Besides, Market Administrative Committees may declare the place of such purchase as Collection Centre for direct Marketing without establishment of any permanent structures etc.
Meanwhile, the Market Administrative Committees have been authorized by virtue of Government Order, “to seek any type of additional information from the registered direct marketing farmers, and can also inspect and issue direction relating to functioning of such wholesale purchase/sale and the activities incidental thereto.”
All the Market Administrative Committees of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir have been asked to allow and facilitate functioning of such Collection and Sale Centres without any hindrance.
Principal Secretary, Agriculture Production Department, Navin K. Choudhary while elaborating on steps being initiated in this regard, said that these measures will allow farmers and producers to enjoy complete freedom in selling their produce at best possible prices. He further informed that massive educational programmes will be launched soon to ensure e-marketing facilities for the farmers to sell their produce in distant markets at competitive prices.