Srinagar: A special National Investigation Agency court (NIA) on Friday extended the judicial custody of Dukhtaran-e-Millat chairperson Asiya Andrabi and her two women associates till October 1.
The Indian Federal Investigation Agency, NIA’s Special court has extended the judicial custody of Andrabi and her two associates Nahida Nasreen and Sofi Fehmeeda till October 1. They are currently lodged in Tihar jail. Earlier, the judicial custody of Asiya Andrabi and two of her associates were extended till September 7.
Chief of Dukhtaran-e-Milat Andrabi, Sofi Fehmeeda and Nahida Nasreen are accused of delivering hate speeches and endangering the “sovereignty and security of India”.
The National Investigation Agency was granted 10-day custody of the three women on July 6.
On July 16, the special court sent the three women to one-month judicial custody.
Following the directions of the Union Ministry of Home Affairs, the probe agency had registered a case against Andrabi, her associates and the Dukhtaraan-e-Milat in April.