SRINAGAR: All the candidates who have been allotted to Examination Centre –“DPS, Higher Secondary School, Humhama Srinagar” for appearing in the J&K Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination, 2018, scheduled to be held on 02.09.2018, are hereby informed that due to inadvertence the name of Examination Venue inter-alia mentioned in the Admit Card(s) has written as “DPS, Higher Secondary School, Humhama Srinagar” instead of “DPS, Higher Secondary School, Athwajan Srinagar”
All the concerned are, accordingly, advised that it shall be in their own interest to download the admit cards afresh from official website of the Commission immediately so as to avoid the inconvenience they would otherwise face on the day of examination. The candidates may contact on 9419720902 for clarifications, if any, in this regard.